Friday, February 28, 2003

Although I'm essentially an ex-grad student, and am in another country, I'm still on the history department's list serve from West Virginia University. I just got the following email forwarded from the chair of the department.


I just had a phone call from Lt Cheslock of WVU's Department of Public Safety, informing me that they discovered a written message that said that a person is threatening to create a hazard in either Stansbury or Woodburn Hall  today or tomorrow that would destroy one of these two buildings.  They supposedly have already placed a chemical in the building that they would ignite.  Lt Cheslock does not think this is a serious threat but wanted to alert us, so that if we see anything suspicious or anyone acting out of the ordinary, we should alert campus security immediately (293-cops).  Campus security has already done a walk through of each of these buildings and did not find anything out of the ordinary.  Please make responsible individuals in your unit aware of the need to be alert over the next couple of days re: this situation.  Thanks-- Duane Nellis
M. Duane Nellis, Dean
Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
West Virginia University


Notice that the dean says to inform "responsible individuals". Who did the chair of the history department think fit that bill? EVERYONE connected with the department, including all undergrad history majors.

What a maroon!


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