Here’s Johnny! (based on his actions as Senator, not on his rhetoric)
JfK on Iraq War 2 - fer it (when it counted)
JfK on Afghanistan - fer it (when it counted)
JfK on the Patriot Act - fer it (when it counted)
JfK on Dubyah’s tax cuts - fer ‘em (when it counted)
JfK on Clinton’s Welfare Reform - fer it
JfK on Clinton’s Crime Bill and related legislation - fer it
JfK on the death penalty - fer it
JfK on NAFTA - fer it
JfK on World Bank/IMF - just fine with ‘em
JfK on our health care system - no problems
JfK on the Gulf War - fer it, after thinking
JfK on Panama invasion - fer it
JfK on Grenada invasion - fer it
JfK on NATO expansion - fer it
JfK on defense spending - pile it on
This is just a taste.
It may be that I’ll end up voting for the guy, but it will not be because he is even close to me politically.
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