Tuesday, January 03, 2006

So many things have happened lately that I've just hit a blogjam. Or not. In any event, I considered breaking the silence to post regarding the fellow who got a visit from the Man after having requested Mao's Lil Red Book through interlibrary loan. I had the following thoughts about the story:

* Should this spark a trend, and should the Man come ask about my own copy of the Lil, I will take great pleasure in reporting that I bought my copy at a yard sale at the American Embassy Association's library in Bonn, Germany, back in 1997 or so.

* I have yet to see anyone comment on the real tip off that the Man is snooping: the fact that the kid got his ILL book before the end of the semester.

But I held back on posting.

And the Man put his contingency plan in motion. The kid claimed that his story was all a hoax.

Right. Sure. What EVER.

But you suckers all bought it, didn't you?

Well shudder in your gulliboots, losers, because now it turns out that he's come forward (actually identifying himself now) and said that not only is that "hoax" story itself a hoax, but that he was actually detained and interrogated! You should be able to find out more here (you'll need to translate it from German).

Oh, and Happy Holidays! This week will see Orthodox Christmas and Three Kings Day, among others.

[edited on said holiday so as to put the text into the correct order]


At 10:41 PM, Blogger Carlton said...

That article was very interesting . . . once I translated it from German. (Right)

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Birthday, dude.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Greg said...

I'm glad you got the translation. Isn't it chilling?

Happy everything to you, too! And let me be the first to wish you Happy Clyde Kennard Day!

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ummm. The only little red book I own (I scanned the bookshelf) is called 'Betty Crocker's 10-Minute Microwave Favorites'. If 'The Man' is hungry he should drop by after 5 p.m. and bring 1lb of ground beef and some cream-of-celery soup.


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